iAlly is a Millennial Caregivers Tool
About one out of six millennial caregivers care for someone with dementia, with an average age of 27 years. Because these caregivers are at a different life stage than older, spousal caregivers, their needs are widely different.
Many young adult caregivers put their careers on hold, move back to their childhood home and become 24/7 caregivers overnight. Loneliness and depression are common. Almost all caregivers feel isolated, but this is worse for the younger population.
This episode features Lucinda Koz, a young adult who is taking care of her father. After her own experience becoming her father's full-time caregiver at a young age, Lucinda's life's mission became to advocate for Millennial family caregivers.

Lucinda is part of TechCrunch, and she has created an app specifically tailored to address the needs of millennial caregivers. Designed to connect and empower this group of caregivers, iAlly is also a voice for change.
I-Ally: is not just a place to support each other and be with people who know what they're going through; not just a place to get the best resources and information available; not just a place for us to focus on our health and wellbeing; but also a vehicle for their own empowerment.
Related Episodes:
A Millennial Caregiver Dedication to Her Mom
What Millennial Caregivers Need to Know
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