Fight Dementia Stigma: The Doggies for Dementia Initiative. Sharing our experiences with dementia fosters understanding and empathy, breaking down the walls of stigma surrounding the condition. By openly discussing the challenges and triumphs of living with or caring for someone with dementia, we dispel misconceptions, educate others, and humanize the experience. This open dialogue promotes a more compassionate society, encouraging support systems, research, and policy changes that enhance the lives of those affected by dementia while diminishing the stigma that often accompanies it.
The Doggies for Dementia Initiative create portraits for families experiencing Dementia. Their goal is to provide beautiful memories and also to raise awareness. They do this by sharing the images that they create on their social media channels, blog, and in their emails. Doggies for Dementia strives to raise awareness to reduce stigma, isolation, and loneliness. Experts Dig in with Doggies for Dementia is a playlist on our YouTube channel (Doggies for Dementia Foundation); This is where we have candid conversations with experts, including family members and professionals.
Tune in now to hear two photographer-dementia daughters talk about this fantastic endeavor. Then check out their website. https://doggiesfordementia.org
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