A Podcast That Listens, Hears and Offers Wisdom & Hope From Caregivers Who Have Lived The Experience.
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Make Grandma Smile – Engagement & Activities

Make Grandma Smile – Engagement & Activities

Looking for ways to have better visits with my Mom is the genesis of the Fading Memories podcast. After two and a half years, I've learned much more about engagement. We go a long way toward having meaningful visits by learning how to give seniors a purpose and find things they enjoy. By bringing an entertainment and participation component, Make Grandma Smile is looking to standardize senior engagement and activities.

You'll enjoy this episode because there's an interactive part where four of us participate in the gameplay. We had fun.

Learn more about Make Grandma Smile Here.

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Contact Jen at hello@fadingmemoriesp

Fading Memories was created to support family caregivers in a simple, on-demand form. When I was looking for advice on caring for my Mom, I needed this podcast. Since it didn’t exist, I created what I needed!
Jen – pod host

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