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The Amazing Zoe & Grandma's Memory Box

The Amazing Zoe & Grandma's Memory Box

The Amazing Zoe & Grandma's Memory Box. Approaching the topic of Grandma's Alzheimer's with children requires sensitivity. Use simple language and assure them that Grandma's forgetfulness is due to an illness. Emphasize the enduring love and support for Grandma, explaining that she may need extra care. Encourage questions, validate their feelings, and highlight the importance of patience and compassion. Reassure them that the family remains a source of stability and love during Grandma's journey with Alzheimer's.

On the podcast this week is Valene Campbell. She calls herself a changemaker for her passions, children's literature, and Alzheimer's disease awareness.

After vacationing with her mother in 2016, Valene observed her Mom's increasing forgetfulness, confusion, and irritability. Valene knew immediately upon their return home that her mother required a physical assessment. This life-altering circumstance led her to write her third children's book with a lead Black character to demystify dementia and Alzheimer's within the Black community. The story, The Amazing Zoe and Grandma's Memory Box, also educate children whose families are impacted by dementia and who often participate in the caregiving of a grandparent or loved one. The Amazing Zoe & Grandma's Memory box is a heartfelt and touching story designed to help kids understand Alzheimer's Disease.

Zoe loves to visit her grandma! But this time, she can't help but feel that something is different. Her grandma has forgotten to bake Zoe's favorite cookies, and sometimes she forgets Zoe's name! But luckily, Zoe's Mom is there to help her learn all about Alzheimer's Disease. Zoe even devises a clever and creative way to help her grandma remember all her most treasured memories.

You can learn more about Valene and her speaking engagements by visiting her website. Valene Campbell or The Amazing Zoe


Related Episodes:

My Grandma Has Dementia – Helping Kids Understand

Honoring Grandma – Zach’s Alzheimer’s Journey


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Fading Memories was created to support family caregivers in a simple, on-demand form. When I was looking for advice on caring for my Mom, I needed this podcast. Since it didn’t exist, I created what I needed!
Jen – pod host

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