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Activities for Every Dementia Stage

Activities for Every Dementia Stage

Activities are an essential tool for caregivers.

It all started because of a lack of activities. If it weren't for today's guest, there might never have been a Fading Memories podcast. I searched for ways to engage with my Mom and came up short every time. If I had had the list you're about to hear; it might have been a different story for both of us.

Activities are an essential tool for caregivers. Our loved ones need the stimulation. Suitable, engaging activities will provide them with enjoyment, challenges, a way to pass the time constructively, helping keep them happy. If you find the right activity, you may discover a way to give them a sense of purpose. We all need to feel useful, or we can become very unpleasant.

Some ideas from Lorretta are easy to implement immediately. Stick to bright colors, keep in mind the five senses, especially if they're in the later stages of their disease. Have as much variety on hand, and search your home first. Lorretta is adamant that there are lots of items around your house that will entertain them.

It can be different every day, and you never know what will appeal to them. What works today may not work tomorrow, and what doesn't work today may work tomorrow. Just be creative and don't be judgmental about what they like.


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Fading Memories was created to support family caregivers in a simple, on-demand form. When I was looking for advice on caring for my Mom, I needed this podcast. Since it didn’t exist, I created what I needed!
Jen – pod host

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