A Podcast That Listens, Hears and Offers Wisdom & Hope From Caregivers Who Have Lived The Experience.
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Stream Happy Things with Joygage

Stream Happy Things with Joygage

Stream Happy Things with Joygage. In 2020 being able to stream our entertainment became one of our coping tools. Even our social lives essentially became events to stream. When the pandemic restrictions started lifting, many of us were eager to return to live concerts, movies, and seeing loved ones in person.

For many parts of our society, streaming much of our lives is still an important coping tool. Family caregivers frequently struggle to find ways to engage and entertain their loved ones. Caregivers need ways to have their own time, their own space to decompress, rest, and take care of themselves.

What if there were a streaming service specifically designed for older adults? Does that sound like a wish? Well, your wish has come true.

Craig Fowler has created Joygage, a streaming service geared for older adults. His mother was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's in 2005.  He watched her become frustrated and saddened as she lost her ability to do the activities she once enjoyed.

Because of the constant needs and demands of his mother's dementia, his father became exhausted and isolated. Life changed for their family.  Dementia transformed his mother's once joyful demeanor, and the demands of caregiving deteriorated his father's health.

If this story sounds familiar, then you want to subscribe to Joygage. Joygages streaming service allows you to watch movies and TV, play games, engage in activities, store memories, and more are added regularly!


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Contact Jen at hello@fadingmemoriespodcast.com

or Visit us at www.FadingMemoriesPodcast.com

Fading Memories was created to support family caregivers in a simple, on-demand form. When I was looking for advice on caring for my Mom, I needed this podcast. Since it didn’t exist, I created what I needed!
Jen – pod host

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